Monday, November 26, 2007

The World Famous All Scrubbed Up: "What is THAT?" Competition #3 Part 1

This one really got to me. I don't know what it is about us mere non-doctor mortals. SA Doc giggled and said "fascinating". I almost threw up.


Welcome to the WHAT IS THAT COMPETITION PART #3! Guess the medical thingy in the picture and you could win an AMAZING guest post on All Scrubbed Up valued at millions of emotional dollars!

So... Here we go. What is THAT?!


"I've never seen anything like this in my entire career."
- Dr. Gaspari


  1. Gross! First time i've wished I hadn't red one of your entries... respect for all doctors.

    Your hint gave it away... googling for "Dr. Gaspari", 2nd result is the Man who grew roots. Shudder.

  2. werewolf. (again)

  3. I remain fascinated by the size of some of the things that are posted here - surely this person noticed a problem a little while ago?
    But then, in my complete ignorance of things medical, I guess that a cure for this might be somewhat elusive.

  4. Funny, I was going to say a plant/crab/human hybrid when I saw the picture hehe... oh well 2/3 isn't bad.
    Is this some sort of wide-spread cornu cutanei? or carcinoma? argh, where are the books when you need 'em!
    In poverty you can't do much about such rare conditions.

    I've read that vitamin A was promising for his condition

  5. Anonymous6:43 PM

    It's the walking tree from Lord of the Rings.

  6. kerry, he did seek help. if you look carefully, you will see tiny cuts on his wrists, the telltale signs of him having visited a sangoma (a traditional healer). the small cuts on the left are more clear than those on the right.
    the point is he did seek help.

  7. Yes, definitely an Ent.

  8. ewan, don't cheat lad :)

    kerry - elusive? perhaps? wait for the answer :)

    and the rest of you - what type of medical-content-absorbing people are you?! IT COULD ONLY BE AN ENT! of course!

    bollocks. :)

    I'll get SA Doc to post some info soon...

    Still no true answer from anyone?

  9. Omg.....I thought it was a sculpture posing as a human. Poor guy

  10. i think it may be a she :) - but then I know the answer...

  11. HERPES! w00t. that is why i love infectious disease

  12. Human Papilloma Virus.

    Look closely, it's a ton of HUGE warts!

    Yup, so that's my answer HPV.

  13. Finally! Someone puts their warts... i mean BALLS on the line! HPV - correct!

    Full answer and background info coming soon from SA Doc

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
