Monday, May 7, 2007

Medical Video Art #2

Another one... This is more of a demo reel - I gather showing off 3D skills. I wonder where stuff like this would be used in the industry?


  1. Anonymous2:20 AM

    You are invited to watch the Ubuntu Tribe movie trailer.
    Thank you and nice to meet you!

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    mmm...interesting video...why can't they make something with a rock-ish soundtrack rather.
    I think they screen something similat in Medicross waiting rooms.

  3. if I saw that in MediCross it would terrify me. But then, living with a doctor, I don't even no what medicross looks like!

  4. Animations like this would be a FAB teaching tool... think sex/pregnancy ed for teenagers without the icky models, or showing the how and why HIV can not be prevented by showering...
    Also, showing how cancer grows, etc. Showing smokers exactly what they're doing to their lungs

    No doctor, me, but these be my thoughts...

  5. Anonymous5:26 PM

    prohibitively (sp?) expensive i'd guess - but you're right - good teaching tools. I wonder if they could get art students to put them together - although you'd have to worry about medical accuracy. interesting.
