Unfortunately due to other commitments and just generally getting older, SA Doc and myself have to announce that All Scrubbed is retiring. It's been one helluva ride - and thank you to everyone for being part of it. Every comment was highly appreciated and kept us going through the last 2 years.
We'll obviously keep it alive so you can trawl through the archives. There are some doozies!
Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Totsiens! Ciao!
Blog closed.
What's under the gown in the South African Medical Fraternity? Doctors, Surgeons, Practices, Hospitals and the funny, sometimes controversial stories that go with them. Seeeeriouuuus Seeeeesssta!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
GUEST POST: How to Improve Medical Services in Third World Countries
The world has become a much smaller place, thanks to technology and globalization. But no matter how connected we are, there still exist huge disparities between the rich and the poor. The gap gets wider with each passing year, for individuals and nations. In the eyes of the developed world, third world countries are perceived as places where the standard of living is poor and where the things they take for granted are considered luxuries. In reality however, third world countries have their share of both the obscenely rich and the dirt poor. And the main reason for their backwardness is not just the paucity of money, but also the lack of awareness and education among the poorer and downtrodden sections of society.
When we consider the state of medical services in these countries, we see that the rich are able to afford any kind of treatment for all kinds of diseases. But for the poor and the middle class, medication is prohibitively expensive simply because quality medical services are only offered by the private sector. The government does offer services for the poor and those who are not able to afford private medical treatment, but the quality of treatment is poor at times. Also, the facilities are often overcrowded and not hygienic, and this makes the middle class hesitant to seek medical treatment at these places.
Improving medical services in third world countries is an uphill climb, but it can be done if:
This guest article is written by Teresa Jackson, she writes on the subject of online NP schools . She invites your questions, comments at her email address : teresa.jackson19@gmail.com.
When we consider the state of medical services in these countries, we see that the rich are able to afford any kind of treatment for all kinds of diseases. But for the poor and the middle class, medication is prohibitively expensive simply because quality medical services are only offered by the private sector. The government does offer services for the poor and those who are not able to afford private medical treatment, but the quality of treatment is poor at times. Also, the facilities are often overcrowded and not hygienic, and this makes the middle class hesitant to seek medical treatment at these places.
Improving medical services in third world countries is an uphill climb, but it can be done if:
- Tax money is put to better use – to build cleaner and more spacious medical facilities and to pay qualified doctors and other healthcare personnel so that they don’t move away to set up their own private practice or join a private care provider.
- Politicians don’t get greedy and swindle public funds that are meant for the improvement of society and the common man.
- Bribery is abolished and doctors and healthcare personnel are encouraged to offer better services through various incentives.
- People are made more aware of the need for cleanliness and personal hygiene.
- Education is made compulsory for children so that they have opportunities to leave behind the squalor and poverty they grew up in.
- Smaller towns and villages are better linked by road to cities and larger towns where there are better medical facilities.
- Mobile medical services are introduced in remote villages so that diseases are diagnosed in the early stages and the need for emergency care and hospitalization is minimized.
- More emphasis is placed on preventive rather than curative care. When this happens and people are more aware of the need for preventive care through the right diet and regular exercise, healthcare begins to look up in any nation, developed or developing.
This guest article is written by Teresa Jackson, she writes on the subject of online NP schools . She invites your questions, comments at her email address : teresa.jackson19@gmail.com.